Saturday, August 16, 2008

In the spirit of the Olympics in Beijing...

Move over Michael Phelps, here comes Soba Wan!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Why does such a little guy have so many nicknames?
  • Soba
  • Sheebs
  • Bad Guy
  • Shiba Shiba
  • Sobster
  • Sobes
  • Romeo and Casanova- since he loves to court his girlfriend, Madison.
  • Pepe Le Pu - He loves to follow his other girlfriend, Shilo, around.
  • Soduko --- Per Uncle Jeff (** Yes, you made it onto Soba's blog! You are in the big league now!!! I think you should go out and buy a lottery ticket. When you win, you should split with Soba.)
  • Sodukster --- Per Uncle Jeff

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Soba and his bad paws

Last week Soba was limping his rear right foot. We took him to the vet and found out that he had a secondary infection due to too much licking of his paws. The vet is still unsure what caused him to lick excessively. They thought allergies to food, environment, etc. So, we left the vet with antibiotic, hydrocortisone spray, and a new hypo-allergenic dog food. That was $300 later.

His paws are looking better this week, but he is still licking his paws. We would put a cone on him. I think the hardest thing this past week was not to feed him table scraps or any other food. It is hard to resist his begging, but for his sake we (or me really) have stopped feeding him scraps.

We have another check up in 2 weeks. It will be really hard to figure out what is really causing this. It is most likely allergies, but to what? The vet even said he is so young to have such a strong reaction.