Friday, December 21, 2007

Mari and Her Puppies

I HAVE NEVER heard such a sad story. Stories with animals is always heart warming, but the ones where the story illustrates a strong bond and trust between humans and animals is so touching. I was surfing some shiba sites today, and came across a movie recently released in Japan called Mari and her puppies. This is based on a true event that occured on Oct 24, 2004 after an earthquake in Yamakoshi village in Japan.

I saw the trailer for the movie on youtube and then read the translated story. I didn't think I would cry, but I did. Wade found me sobbing when he came downstairs. A part of me was thinking that if we had a natural disaster here (given how prone this area is to earthquake and fire this is pretty likely) AND I had to leave Soba behind that would just devestate me!!!

Here is the clip from youtube (*** be forewarned that it will be sad. Get some tissues ready.)

Here is the link to the story of Mari and her puppies.

Here is the link to the actual site of Mari but it is all in Japanese.

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